Brandon always like to rebuild things, I can go back to him being 8 years old and spending hours fiddling with an old lawnmower motor, he actually sat on the floor with wrenches and screwdrivers and got it to start. Which would lead to his love of finding 'deals' and fixing them up. Brandon bought this 89 jeep (yj) in high school, when he attended GVAC and started the re-build. Like most of Brandon's 'projects' he re-built cars to sell, it was his second greatest passion. His first was his children. Brandon sold this jeep, and over the years it was the one project he said he regretted selling and wished he had it back. Being a young hardworking man, and dedicated father the thought went by occasionally mentioned over the years as he moved on to other projects. After the initial shock of Brandon leaving us, his mother mentioned that she wished she had the jeep Brandon built back. Aunt D has a jeep passion as well, I found picture before and after the jeep rebuild, took to the jeep community via social media looking to locate, not knowing the year, just that it was a YJ. Jeep groups/clubs are great people. I was able to locate the jeep owners, put them in touch with Brandon's mother and stepfather. My sister and brother-in-law are now back in possession of the jeep built with love, with a very distinctive paint color. This jeep will be maintained for several years in which time will be given to Miss Evelynn. She will be driving a classic antique Jeep, built by her father. Let me tell you, this little girl is excited about it.